Sorachi Ace with 100% Wheat

I wanted to brew a small batch with hops and a malt that I have not used before. Sorachi Ace is a hop that I have not used in a home brew. I dont think I have had it in a craft beer before. Sorachi Ace has intense lemon then light dill, tea and coriander. I was thinking the lemon would go well with a 100% wheat grain bill. I was not sure when you would get the dill. Here is the recipe I used for this small batch beer(1.25 gallons into the carboy)

2 LBs 4 oz White Wheat

.25 oz Sorachi Ace @10 mins

.25 oz Sorachi Ace @5 mins

.10 oz Sorachi Ace @1 mins

.40 oz Sorachi Ace 3 days for dry hop

US-05 yeast

Color: Yellow golden some haze.

Smell: Dill not a big smell from this one just light dill

Tasting: Light lemon dill. The body from the wheat is good.

Overall: If you like dill Sorachi Ace might be the hop for you. Both Steve and I would make a 5 gallon batch of this.

Tasting Video 1

Tasting 2

Color: Yellow. Lots of bubbles. Clear beer

Smell: Lots of lemon grass with a hint of dill. The dill is starting to pick up more and more

Taste: Hint of citrus with dill. If you are not a dill fan stay away from Sorachi Ace. Maybe a hit of wheat

Overall: I could drink a lot of this beer. I like the smooth dill in this beer. I would like to see more of the citrus. I was thinking the lemon would be nice with the wheat. We will see in about a month if the wheat is doing anything to this beer as I made 2 more batches with Sorachi Ace with different grains

Tasting Video 2

Tasting 3

Color: Golden Yellow and clear

Smell: Light dill citrus with a hint of wheat

Taste: Lots of dill and citrus. Some wheat. After taste is more citrus than anything

Overall: I think the dill and citrus in this beer. Im not sure what the wheat is doing to this beer as I think the dill and citrus are overpowering the wheat in this beer.

Tasting Video 3

Tasting 4

Color: Bright Yellow. Loots of trub.

Smell: Sweet dill. I think the malt is starting to take over. I have been getting that sweet smell out of a lot of older homebrews.

Taste: Lemon dill. Im starting to taste more wheat. The sweetness is working well with the lemon and dill.

Overall: This is doing well. With the sweetness this is a good summer homebrew if you like dill.

Tasting Video 4