Mosaic 2-Row SMaSH

Mosaic Smash is next up in our small batch series. This one is using Rahr 2-Row and Mosaic Hops. We are using BIAG for this one. Here is the recipe for 1.25 gallons into the carboy.

2 LBs 12 oz Rahr 2-Row

.39 oz Mosaic hops @ 30 mins

.29 oz Mosaic hops @ 5 mins

.32 oz Mosaic hops dry hop(3 days into fermentation)

3g US-05 yeast

7.67% ABV

Color: Nice white head. Hazy like a NE IPA. Dirty yellow orange.

Smell: A little juice fruit. Hop dankness. Smells light. Nothing in your face

Taste: Lots more flavor in the taste than in the smell. Juice orange peel bitterness

Overall: We are not sure how the color is turning out like it is. For only using 2-Row it looks like a NE IPA. A nice hop forward beer.

Tasting 1 Video