Azacca Great Western 2-Row SMaSH
This is another SMaSH beer in our Small Batch Brewing series. This homebrew will follow the same recipe as our other SMaSH beers.
2 LBs 12 oz Great Western 2-Row
.39 oz Azacca 30 mins
.29 oz Azacca 5 mins
.32 oz Azacca Dry Hop
3g US-05 Yeast
1 Hr boil
1.25 gallons into carboy
Brew Day: Everything went well on brew day.
Pre-Boil 1.034
OG 1.060
FG 6 Brix
6.2% ABV
Smell: Dank weed Dank bitterness. I was thinking we would get more tropical fruit out of it.
Taste: Im not sure if I like this one. Im getting spice out of this one. Almost like an over spiced Mt. Hood beer.
Notes: 1 full oz of in a 1 gallon batch might be too much. The best way to use Azacca Hops might be to use them at the end of the boil. Maybe do a SMaSH beer with additions of 10 mins and 5 mins and not 32 mins and 5 mins. This is an over hopped SMaSH beer.
Update 1
Color: Yellow in color with lots of bubbles
Smell: Sweet grain tropical. Rip peach
Tasting: Skin of a peach with some sweet malt
Overall: I think this beer is changing. I dont think I would have picked out the peach in this in tasting 1. I hope next tasting we get more of that peach
Update 2
Color: Yellow golden in color now. I think the malt is starting to take over
Smell: Sweet malt. A hint of fruit. Not a strong smell this time around
Tasting: Malt forward. Tropical fruit with a hint of bitterness. Maybe some citrus
Overall: Nice white head. The Tropical fruit is nice. I dont think its peach now. Its more an all around fruit now. You do get more sweet malt from this now.
Update 3
Color: Bright yellow hazy. I think this is from being over carbed
Smell: Skin of a peach is back. Toasted malt with some fruit
Tasting: fresh hops. Smooth fruit
Overall: The carb level is very high now. We did get some foam out the top of the bottle. It was hard to review this one as its over carbed. New smells and tastes that I dont think we would get if it wasnt over carbed
Update 4
Color: Red orange golden
Smell: Sweet malt honey
Tasting: Sweet caramel malt with big bitterness in the back
Overall: Not one that I would let age. The beer is ok but you are not getting the hops
Update 5
Color: Hazy orange
Smell: Big sweet malt with some citrus
Tasting: Lots of malt sweetness with bitterness. You are getting some citrus
Overall: Taste like a triple IPA with some hop bitterness. For a triple its low on hops.